Toshiba Part Number
for Portege Battery & Adapter
Please select your Toshiba part number from the following list:
The OEM part number can be normally found on the bottom of the screen or on the name plate located on the underside of your Laptop.
- AP3399U-1BRS
- B-5222
- B-5224
- B-5323
- B-5380
- K000027630
- K000125850
- LCB169
- LCB242
- LCB243
- LCB395
- LCB512
- P000416950
- P000440730
- P000447110
- P000450170
- P000481670
- P000495850
- P000520460
- PA3356
- PA3356U-1BAS
- PA3356U-1BRS
- PA3356U-2BAS
- PA3356U-2BRS
- PA3356U-3BAS
- PA3356U-3BRS
- PA3357U-1BRL
- PA3399
- PA3399U-1BAS
- PA3399U-1BRS
- PA3399U-2BAS
- PA3399U-2BRS
- PA3400-1BAS
- PA3400U-1BAS
- PA3400U-1BRS
- PA3456U-1BRS
- PA3464U-1BRS
- PA3478U-1BRS
- PA3487U-1BRS
- PA3587U-1BAS
- PA3587U-1BRS
- PA3588U-1BAS
- PA3588U-1BRS
- PA3634
- PA3634U-1BAS
- PA3634U-1BRS
- PA3635U-1BAM
- PA3635U-1BAS
- PA3635U-1BRM
- PA3636U-1BAL
- PA3636U-1BRL
- PA3638U-1BAP
- PA3728U-1BAS
- PA3728U-1BRS
- PA3780U-1BRS
- PA3816U-1BAS
- PA3816U-1BRS
- PA3819U-1BRS
- PABAS048
- PABAS049
- PABAS054
- PABAS057
- PABAS066
- PABAS071
- PABAS076
- PABAS077
- PABAS105
- PABAS117
- PABAS162
- PABAS230
- PS0104UA1BRS
- PSK1JA-07E017
- PTS52A-0CW03F
- V000061130
- V000061140
- V000061150
- V000210190